Goblin Valley

One of our first big adventures was to a curious little state park in the middle of nowhere Utah.  We decided to visit Goblin Valley because Ben had learned about the odd rock formations in his geology class, it had camping spaces and it was close to home. Perfect for struggling college kids. 
Goblin Valley SP

I wasn't sure what exactly to expect (Pinterest wasn't a thing back then) when we pulled into the small treeless campground. Surely this wasn't camping! It was nearly 95 degrees, sandy and windy.  Despite all this, I was happy to see bathrooms... nice bathrooms... with flush-able toilets... and running water. SCORE! 

Putting up our tent in the Utah desert wind was a complete joke as it kept flapping around everywhere. However, we eventually got our sweltering shelter put together and went to work blowing up the air mattress which we soon realized was much to big for our tent. Haha. Not only did the sides rub against the tent, causing it to squeak, but Ben had to get under the mattress in order to blow it up.  Oh gosh it was funny!  I was so irritated that I told Ben to take it out and we would sleep on the sandy ground. He told me I was overreacting and to calm down. Which I promptly did not! 
Air mattress mishaps!

Now that the air mattress was wedged into our flimsy little tent we decided to go take a look at the main attraction of Goblin Valley.  Over the canyon rim, we got our first glimpse of a small valley covered in hoodoos (a.k.a. Goblins).  Can I just say... "WOW." Odd mushroom shaped sandstone rock features littered the valley floor.  What a site it was!
Goblin Valley SP, Utah

We spent a few hours walking around the Goblins, discussing sediment layers and the geological timeline.  We watched tiny lizards scurry around looking for refuge from the glaring sun and even spotted some prancing antelope. That night we heard the desert come to life. Crickets chirped, small rodents scampered around, owls hooted and coyotes howled in the distance. 

The next day we drove the 100 miles to visit Arches NP.  While speeding down I-70 we ran over a huge rattlesnake that was stretched out over two lanes. We hadn't even gone a tenth of a mile when a vulture swooped down, picked it up and carried the danging snake in front of us to its nest. It seriously could have been a scene in a desert animal documentary. 

While visiting Arches NP a storm stirred up in the distance. We thought nothing of it until we reached Green River, Utah.  Fighting against the strong winds, a semi was lifted up onto two wheels and nearly fell onto its side right in front of our car.  Thankful we weren't in an accident!

When we reached the camp ground, our tent had been blown down. The only thing keeping our tent from completely rolling away was that over-sized air mattress!  The one that I had insisted we take out. I guess Ben does know better... sometimes. 

Goblin Valley SP, Utah


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