Trees Of Mystery

Just last week Ben and I took off for northern California to see the colossal coastal redwood trees. While driving on highway 101 from Crescent City to Redwood National Park we stumbled across a 50 foot Paul Bunyan and his loyal companion the 35 foot Babe!!  Seriously, how cool. We had to stop, right? I mean you just can't pass something like that by! 

Paul and Babe, Trees of Mystery, Redwoods

So we pulled into the Trees of Mystery in Klamath California for some fun photos and a tour through a grove of giants.  Giant trees, that is! 
Walking up to Paul and Babe we were thrilled to be spoken to. Yep, Paul waved and talked to us, telling us to come take a picture, a tour and enjoy some fudge at the end of the trail.  You know I thought it was a recording of course until I stood next to a bear and Paul causally said "Yeah, Bear likes his picture taken too!"  I busted a gut! So much fun!!

Isn't Bear photogenic?

So we bought out tickets and headed up the trail to see all sorts of odd growth trees, Sitka Spruce and true amazingly huge Sequoia sempervirens (aka: coastal redwoods).  Arriving early in the morning, Ben and I were some of the only tourists. The forest was quiet and serene. Light trickled through the canopy of the forest, insects hummed around us and birds greeted us with their good morning songs. It was lovely. 

Mystery of Trees, Redwoods, California

We had the opportunity to see several trees that had grown in odd ways or even out of other trees, all in hopes of reaching the life-giving sunlight.  Among these were the candelabra tree, natures underpass, cathedral tree (a group of nine, yes NINE, trees growing together in a semicircle) and this incredible elephant tree. Awesome root system :)

Mystery of Trees

At the end of the trail of trees we came upon a mysterious cabin. Entering with caution, we found the COOLEST toy ever! On a table was sand with an electronic display shining from the ceiling. When the sand was moved it would form islands, mountains, rivers and oceans.  Of course Ben and I spent a lot of time playing with it! I made a happy little island and Ben destroyed it with what he said was a meteor, haha! 

Plotting the distruction of my island!

Our tour continued with a gondola ride to the top of the trees which gave us fantastic views of the ocean, redwoods and even some osprey nests! I joked with Ben and it wouldn't be a true vacation without some sort of ride to the top of a mountain. Of course we loved it, the other option was to climb a very steep, old and narrow stone staircase- yeah, that wasn't going to happen!

Gondola to the tops of the trees overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Following our gondola ride we started down the "Trail of Tall Tales" where we had the opportunity to hear and SEE the legend of Paul Bunyan. Carved out with a chainsaw out of redwood, scenes depicted the life of Paul and Babe, explaining how they became legends. The carvings were very unique... the giant mosquito made me a little itchy!

Redwood Carvings, Mystery of Trees

Finally, at the end of our two hour adventure this tree fallen tree really made me think about life and time. The giant Coast Redwoods are truly natural treasures that have stood the test of wind, fire, humanity and time.
Fallen Redwood timeline, Mystery of Trees

I enjoyed the time we spent in the Trees of Mystery. It was touristy (which I LOVE), fun, adventurous and showcased the majestic beauty of the coast redwood trees.  

"The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always."
                                                                                              -John Steinbeck



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