Somewhere near Old Faithful...

After an exhausting day of short hikes, long drives and countless pictures, we pulled off the grand loop and headed toward "Old Faithful to grab some dinner."  Along the road cars were pulled over, people had their cameras out and several park rangers stood watch. Naturally, we had to get out and see what was going on. In Yellowstone, where there are rangers, there is likely to be some sort of wild animal, usually an awesome one.  

Grizzly. Yellowstone NP

We quickly parked the car and walked over to the crowd. All I could see was a black mass moving around behind some trees. "Black Bear?" I asked a man next to me. "Grizzly," he responded. I was astonished! A Grizzly bear, out in the open, this close to "Old Faithful!"  How exciting! Bears, especially grizzlies, have always been a favorite of mine. I was over the moon for a chance to view one in Yellowstone NP.

I watched the BIGGEST smile appear on Ben's face as he pulled out our camera and zoomed in to see the bear.  "Let me see," I begged.  He ignored me and started snapping pictures. (Really, I should invest in a good pair of binoculars). I walked around several groups of people trying to get a better look while keeping my distance.

Suddenly, a small black fur ball popped out from behind some trees and stood up on its hind legs.  (I must have had the biggest smile)!  IT WAS A CUB!  Whoa! A freaking grizzly cub! Even better, the momma, walking out into the clearing, was followed by a second cub!  Two grizzly cubs, are you freaking kidding me! 

Grizzly cubs. Yellowstone NP

I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched the family walk through the clearing and stop for a quick drink out of a cold spring before  heading off into a grove of trees. The cubs were funny. They were playful. They were adorable! I just love them!  

Getting a drink

Grizzlies. Yellowstone NP

Even after a year, Ben and I still talk about this experience. It is something that we will never forget!

Grizzly family. Yellowstone NP



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